Wednesday 27 February 2013

The Rising Burden of College Debt

Educational Information

Every year in this country, college students go into massive debt in order to obtain their college degrees. In many cases, the debt is so overwhelming that many students find themselves unable to pay back these loans. Many of them go bankrupt or are forced into repayment programs that are inflexible and have monthly payments that are far more expensive than the average college graduate can afford. Add the fact that many graduates cannot find work at all once they graduate, and this only adds to the number of students who find themselves hopelessly mired in debt due to their college loans. Is it any wonder that some people turn to buying a fake certificate or degree online rather than put themselves in this kind of debt? Furthermore, who is responsible for the loan system’s failure? Does the responsibility lie with the student, or do these programs need better mandating? No matter the answer, every student who takes out a loan should be made fully aware of other options, as well as the consequences.

The instances of people in high-paying jobs or positions of power that are found to have a fake certificate or degree are rising every day. In many cases, these people received their degree from an online college and were not even aware that the schools from which they got the degree was fraudulent or not accredited. In most cases, people choose to get degrees from online colleges because it is much cheaper than traditional college and unwittingly choose a school that sells their degrees more than the students earn them. These are usually students who are trying to avoid the massive debt that comes with a college education, already have the life and/or job experience that allows them to do their jobs well or are trying to meet the qualifications of a company that demands all their employees have some kind of formal education. It should come as no surprise that as college tuition rises, so do the number of online schools that are offering fly-by-night degrees.

According to NPR, the average student loan amount an individual amasses by the time he or she graduates from college is around $30,000. Their loan repayment starts shortly after they graduate, which gives them little to no time to find a job. Many students have great difficulty finding a job in their field and are forced to work at minimum-wage jobs, most of which do not even pay enough to allow them to make payments on their loans. This leads to late payments and delinquent accounts. Once this happens, the student’s already low wages will be garnisheed or he or she will be forced to pay rehabilitation payments that can be as high as six or seven hundred dollars a month. Either way, the student will remain hopelessly in debt, especially if they never find a job that pays well. When one considers all of this, it is little wonder that people today are turning to fake certificates and degrees in order to further their careers.

Superior Faked Degrees is your premier source online for faked degrees, educational information, fake certificates, and advice about how to take advantage of distance learning, such as how to earn a bachelor degree online. For all of this and so much more, visit today.

Obtaining a Doctorate Degree Online: Steps to Success

Doctorate Degree Online

If you have your master’s degree and are thinking of going back to school to obtain your doctorate, you may be held back by several roadblocks to your continuing education. Many people who have their master’s degree are already working full time in their chosen fields, such as education or business. This makes going back to school almost impossible, especially when they have the added responsibility of family. However, if you want to advance in your career or simply have that extra education, then you should consider getting an online doctorate degree. Maybe you have already considered this option but you aren’t sure if these degrees are as quality as one that you would get from a brick-and-mortar university. However, as technology improves and long-distance education improves along with it, more accredited schools are offering doctoral degrees in a wide variety of subjects. By following a few simple steps, you can be on your way to earning your doctorate without ever stepping foot inside a classroom.

Before you decide on a school, you must know whether or not they are accredited. This is where many people who return to school through distance education make their error. There are many online schools that offer these degrees, but many are not accredited. If a school does have accreditation, it means that it was been certified by the Distance Education and Training Council (DETC)that the education received by the students is the same as they would get at a brick-and-mortar college. Schools that do not have this kind of certification are usually seen as worthless by many corporations and employers.

Make sure that the accredited school you choose has a diverse and challenging degree plan for the area you want to study. The most popular doctoral degrees right now are education and business, but others are becoming more available every day, so if the school of choice doesn’t offer an online doctorate degree in your field, don’t give up. There may be other schools that do, and it may take a bit of research to find a reputable online college that will allow you to finish your doctorate. If you have a mentor who already his or her degree, ask their advice about how to find a school that meets your needs.

Before you sign up for classes, make sure that you have the time, ambition, and self-discipline in order to accomplish your goals. Many people sign up to earn their online doctorate without realizing the work involved. Taking online classes requires a great deal of self-motivation and drive, and if you’re the kind of person who must constantly be reminded of deadlines, then online classes may not be for you. Juggling school, work, and family is an arduous task, and those who truly want to complete their degree will find a way to balance them. If you believe in your abilities and plan long-term goals, then obtaining your online doctorate degree will not only be much easier than you think, but it will open new doors on the road to success.

Superior Faked Degrees is your premier source online for faked degrees, educational information, and advice about how to take advantage of distance learning, such as how to earn an online doctorate degree. For all of this and so much more, visit today.